here are some pics of my dear, sweet Lyric.  life just wouldn't be as sunny without him around.  he is a very happy and friendly child. never meets a stranger.  he loves cars and trucks and leggos and taking things apart (just not always putting them back together).  he also loves his big sister and copies everthing she does.
CLICK ON PICS FOR LARGER VIEW (all pics by me unless otherwise noted)

christmas 2001

at his sister's kindergarten graduation

november 2001

december 2001

Lyric really loves my parent's piano
maybe one day he'll play..
(summer 1999)

on the riding mower at his grandparent's house...aka tractor (to him)

sleepy boy
(september 2001)

farm boy
summer in Kentucky
(1998 - i think)

i dig the shades... :)

dressed up in a Dipsy (Telletubby) hat

here is his big smile...
right from the beginning

camping in Colorado - 8 mo.

Colorado - 8 mo.