Smalltown Poets in Belton, TX
March 2, 2001
I drove down past Waco to see the Poets play at the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor.  It was during their Spring Preview week (i think when prospective students come to take a gander at the college.)  There was a fairly large, and enthusiastic crowd there.  my only complaint was the lighting was really dim - so taking pics was really impossible.  I used 400 b/w film here, and a roll of 800 color on the other page.  Even sat down on the floor right at Dana's feet, but still the photos came out dark.  One of these days....   CLICK ON PICS FOR LARGER VIEW

Matt Goldman on drums

Dana on guitars


in between songs Michael started talking about boy bands.  he rounded up 4 eager volunteers from the audience and had us chose which would represent each facet of the boy band (i.e. the "sensitive one", etc.) After all the deciding was done, Michael told how they (the Poets) have a song that they wrote for N-Snyc that was rejected...(haha)  the song he was talking about was "any other love". so he left the 4 guys on stage as they performed "any other love" and the guys did their best boy band dance imitation in the background as the band played. it was a hoot! (see pics below)